Thursday, January 1, 2009

Lifestyle Changes for the New Year

Happy New Year!!!

I meant to have a post ready to go this morning, but somehow, yesterday got completely away from me!

First I took DS out and about looking for a job, which by the way isn't going to well right now. Pray for him that he wouldn't get discouraged and that he would trust God to provide him the right job at the right time.

By the time we got him a haircut and got home, it was time to cook supper, catch up on DH's day and head off to church. Before I knew it, the day was gone...

Which leads me to my post...

I've looked at several blogs over the last couple of days, and what I see is that almost everyone is tired of resolutions. They don't work. At least they never have for me.

Sure I may lose a few pounds, but it doesn't take long to fall back into old habits and before I know it, I'm back where I began or worse off.

So, beginning this new year finds me in a different place.

I've spent a lot of time of late just seeking God and His will for my life. Anyone who knows me, knows this is huge step. See, I love to be in control. I want to do my will for my life. I mean, come on, my plans are perfect..all God needs to do is get on board..right??


I've had it wrong for quite some time now.

I need a lifestyle change. In a lot of areas.

Do I need to loose 45 more pounds? Yes. Will a diet do it? Probably not. I know my record. I need a lifestyle change.

Do I need to be a more submissive wife? Yes. While I think this is an area I do very well in, God has shown me things of late that I see I need to improve or completely do a 180ยบ about-face in. I need a lifestyle change.

Do I need to be more frugal? Yes. This past year has found me doing much better, but I can do even better still. My husband works hard to take of this family, I need to work just as hard making sure that his efforts aren't wasted. I need a lifestyle change.

Do I need to get more organized? Would anyone like to come over right now and check out my house?? Believe me, I need a lifestyle change.

Finally.....Do I need to draw closer to my Father? Without a doubt. I need a major lifestyle change. Too often, over the years, God has been Someone that I've stuck on a shelf until I have gotten myself in so deep that He was the only way to make things right. I don't want to live that life anymore. I need a major lifestyle change.

Over the next few days I'm going to post about how I hope to make these changes and as we go along, give you progress on how I'm doing.

I hope you'll hold me accountable as I need all the partners I can get.

Remember, I've shared I tend to get a bit..just a bit (??!!) stubborn.....

So let me ask, resolutions or lifestyle changes?? Let me know. I'd like to encourage you along your path as well.



momstheword said...

I like the term lifestyle changes, because often that is what is required to make a change.

Right now I am hoping to lose the ten or so pounds that I put on the last couple of months.

Also, I want to continue to grow closer to my Lord.

Beth in NC said...

Ha! I could have been writing these for myself! Yes, lifestyle change is the key (not a diet). If you look at my weight loss journey pics, you'll see that a lifestyle change works.

God help us. :o)

Happy New Year!