Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma!!

(This is my most recent pic of Momma. It was taken at DD's graduation. She is on the left, Daddy is in the middle and DH is on the right)

Today is my Momma's birthday. She is 60 years old.

She will probably never read this post because she doesn't own a computer. Unless me or my sister were to print it off for her, she just won't get to read it.


That's not going to stop me from telling you a little about my Momma.

My Momma is only 15 years older than me. She was a very young bride...married at 13 and a very young Momma.

She stayed home with me until my first day of kindergarten, when she went to work, and except for a couple of layoffs and the 2 years she took off when my little sister was born, she's been working ever since.

She has been married to my Daddy for 46 years. Sometimes he can be a hard man to live with, but she has stood by his side through thick and thin..I hope he knows what a very blessed man he is to have a wife like her.

Momma has lived a rough life and it's easy to see that she's tired, but she is a strong woman.

She doesn't quit, never gives up. There have been so many times that, had I been dealing with what she's had to deal with, I would have just sat down and refused to get up again.

She's had many surgeries--one very serious one on her kidneys. She was stung very badly once and almost died right before my very eyes--that's when we found out she was allergic to bee stings...both of her parents have died, as has her older brother...and yet, she still gets up every day, trusting that it's going to be a good day, better than yesterday.

In my eyes, she's a very strong, amazing woman and I love her very much.


Happy Birthday Momma!!! Love you muches!!

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