Monday, December 7, 2009

Three Mondays and Counting

We woke up Saturday morning to the most beautiful blessing....a dusting of beautiful, white snow was blanketing the ground. It wasn't much, it seldom is where we live, but it was so beautiful and so peaceful to look at. It took each one of us back in time to our mission field days in Colorado where snow on the ground was a very normal winter-time occurrence. For this family, it officially now 'feels' like Christmas.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when things like this snowfall happens, it always serves to remind me that God is always eager for ways to bless us and to bring back to mind the things that make us smile.

Meanwhile, it's December 7th, and I hope that all of your decorating is done, those Christmas cards are in the mail and you are able to enjoy this time of wrapping gifts and baking Christmas goodies with your family while Bing Crosby is busy crooning in the background, "I'll be home for Christmas...." or, if you're like our family TSO is jamming out with their famous Christmas Eve/Sarajevo...

Just a little sidenote.....I'm blessed to have a set of "Christmas dishes". They are so beautiful and a gift from my Mom from several years back. For a few years, we strictly used them on Christmas Eve and Christmas day only. Then it hit me...these are special dishes for a special family to use on a special occasion. Why save them for only one or two days because we eat everyday and everyday is a special time to remind this special family of the wonderful gift of Jesus.

So, if you have something that's only used for a special occasion or a special moment, take a moment and think about this....are your special moments only occasional happenings or are they every day that you get to share with your family??


Andrea said...

We just got a few flurries on Saturday. I hope GOD will give me more..soon.
Blessings, andrea

Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

Haven't had snow for awhile, but it sure is cold and staying that way.

Those are beautiful dishes. I've got everything done on the list you suggested except Christmas cards. I'm still waiting for my photos to come in the mail. Got the rest of my decorating done today and boy does that feel good to get done.

As for special moments, for me, I try to look for those moments everyday. Somedays I do better than others, but I don't want life to pass me by without noticing the little things.

God Bless,