Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Today finds me in Gatlinburg, Tennessee celebrating my 26th wedding anniversary.

26 years ago today I said "I do" to my best friend and I've never regretted it.

Oh, there have been times over the years that have been really tough. There have been times when both have us wondered how we got ourselves in 'this mess'

There was a time when the "d" word was spoken and sought after and only by the grace and mercy of a great God, did in never come to pass.

We've known times of lean and times of plenty. We've known sadness and happiness and total and complete surprise.

We know what it's like to want a baby so badly and not be able to get pregnant easily and we know what it's like to get pregnant with only 1 try.

In 26 years, we've lived a lot....and there were a few times when it wasn't living, but shear survival....but..

I've walked through it all with God on one side and Philip on the other and there is one thing I know for certain....

I wouldn't want it any other way.

Happy Anniversary to my husband, my lover, my best friend....


Jane In The Jungle said...

Amen sister and Happy Anniversary!!!
Have a beautiful time!!!

Alleluiabelle said...

Sweet Friend,

What a glorious time of year to have been married. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Enjoy your time together today.

My daughter's anniversary is coming up on December 30. Just three years for her...they are just beginning.

Love & Blessings,

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary dear friend! 26 years...that's amazing! God is so good...and thanks for giving the rest of us something to think about and look forward to! (Going on 8 years together, 6 years married here!)

Christina Berry said...

CONGRATS and happy anniversary! Marriage is hard, and only through God's grace and our own commitment to it can it survive! Way to go! :]

Sandy said...

Happy Anniversary!