Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm a Catalog!!

I just had to share this!!

While doing my devotions this morning, I was taken quite by surprise when I realized I'd just been compared to a catalog!! Now, I've been compared to many things over my lifetime, but never a catalog!! Well, believe me, this completely caught my attention..

As I read, the author was talking about the fact that the Christmas season is upon us and that each day would find more and more catalogs in our mailboxes. These catalogs would show us page upon page of things we didn't know we needed until we opened the catalog. I had to laugh!! I'm notorious for looking through a catalog and thinking, "Cool!" "Wow! I'd love to have that!" "Why didn't I think of that?!" You get the picture.

I've also gotten what I call "trash" catalogs. I'm not talking about ugly, sinful catalogs. I'm talking about those shoe catalogs for older men. I'm not older :o) and I'm certainly not a man..throw that catalog in the trash. Or the catalog for candy and goodies. I love to make my own (lots cheaper!) and there is enough of me anyway..throw that catalog in the trash too.

The author then went on to tell me that I was God's catalog...Whoa! Wait a minute! Me. A catalog. OOOkaaaaay.....

As I went on to read though, I found I completely agreed with the author. Like the catalogs we get in the mail that let us know we're "missing out" on something; that we've just got to have this something to make our lives better, easier, smoother; our lives should show those around us that they've just got to have what we have. If they had what we've got, their lives would be better, easier, smoother..... We should be a living, breathing, walking catalog for Jesus. People should be able to look at our lives and realize that they're missing out on something and that Something is Jesus Christ Himself!!

I took some time to examine my "catalog" and asked myself if the people watching my life, if the people who are around me in Wal Mart, if the people who are in the church I attend...see Something they've just got to have.
I pray that they do.

I decided this morning that I didn't want to be a "trash" catalog. How about you??


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved this! I can relate with everything you said. Great post.