As I'm sitting here mentally going over my Thankful Thursday list, I'm listening to the birds sing. There are a few windows open in my house, so it's just the least bit chilly. I love mornings like this. The hardest thing is making myself stay up and busy since DH has left for work when all I want to do is jump back in the bed and curl up under the warm covers and go right back to sleep!! Too much to do today for that pleasure though.
On Thursday's I link up with Sonya over at Truth 4 the Journey to share what I'm thankful for this week.
As always the list is changing, but sometimes.....things stay the same.....
1) I'm thankful for....MORE strawberries!!! I was able to visit with my MIL this week and she blessed me with more strawberries!! We have really enjoyed making a syrup with these and pouring it over pound cake....(BIG smile!!!)
2) I'm thankful that I finally figured out how to make things look right on DD's graduation invitations. Now, maybe that's not a big deal to most of you, but to this computer illiterate's HUGE!!!!
3) I'm thankful for a wonderful pastor. He was talking to DH about some things last night and shared a few things that really blessed our entire family. He's young (only 27) but he is a wonderful man of God.
4) I'm thankful that our youth pastor's daughter made it safely in the world! A beautiful 8lb 11oz bundle of joy!! Welcome Abbey!! (Mom is doing great as well!!)
5) I'm thankful that my cousin's house was spared from the floods. (she lives in Kentucky) Her yard is a mess and her driveway is torn up, but this time, her house is okay.
Sometimes it's so easy to overlook those small things that make us smile and enjoy warm fuzzies. We believe our problems are so big and take for granted the blessings. I encourage you to stop and look around. God is in the blessing business and I'm sure He's pleased when we focus on the blessings He gives.
For more Thankful Thursday, click here.
I ate some of the best strawberries yesterday. Hope you enjoy yours!
Loved your post on your pastor. What a blessing your family must be to him.
to His glory...
great post!
i enjoyed wonderful veggies last night with christian conversation!
I need to go get me some strawberries that sounds so yummy. Great list, family is such a blessing..
Hi Deb,
"I'm thankful that my cousin's house was spared from the floods. (she lives in Kentucky)"- WOW, that reminds me to be thankful for EVERYTHING! Great post. Blessings to you, Laurie
You have a nice variety of things on your list. Strawberries...mmmmm! And what a joy to welcome a healthy new baby into the world!
Thank You God for the men who serve faithfully in the pulpit and are true to your Word. Bless them ina special way.
Blessings - Lisa
I love how we can be so thankful even when it is for others, such as a newborn or the protection from a flood. God has to be saying, ah today, they get it.
May He be glorified through Thankful Thursdays
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