Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog Party--Motherhood

Today's topic at the Blog Party over at She Looketh Well is Motherhood.

Being a mom is so special to me and I can't think of a greater calling on my life. I am humbled each time I look at my two precious children and think that God specifically chose me to be their Mom.

I was especially struck by something Michelle wrote: "All mothers love their children, but not all mothers love motherhood." As soon as I read that I totally understood what she meant.

Motherhood, to me, is so much more than giving birth and meeting the needs of the children I've been blessed with.

It's being involved in everything about their life.

It's not only sharing Jesus with them, but showing Jesus to them, living Jesus in front of them. Now that my children are teenagers (16 & 18) how I wish I'd done a better job doing that.

To me, motherhood means holding on to each precious moment and making sure that my children learn and live the truths that we are to love others as Christ loves them...and maybe when it's hard to love others, we let Christ love them through us. That we are to put others before self. We are to be humble instead of prideful. We are to be encouraging (even to our siblings..).

Motherhood means, tea parties and dirt bikes. It means snuggles and I love you's. It means late nights...whatever the reason. It means being available...even when available isn't convenient.

It means staying in an attitude of prayer over those children. Lifting them up because the world is fighting so hard to hold on to them.

There is no down time. It's a calling. It's who I am. It's what I will always be.
Each Mom lives a different situation. Some can stay at home, some have to work. Some are married, others are single for whatever reason. Some moms have one child, some have 15 or more. The calling on a mother's life is the same though, no matter the number of children she has or the situation she lives in.

Motherhood is a life-long I am thankful for and grateful to be a part of.

What does motherhood mean to you?

To join the Blog Party, click here.


Beth in NC said...

There is nothing else to add to what you said friend. What a beautiful post!

Motherhood is a gift from God.


java girl said...

I like what you said that it is a calling :O) I've felt that way since I was a little girl and OH how I desire to instill this in my own darling daughter!

Kudos to your post :O)

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

I totally agree with you on this. I feel that being a mom is one of the most important roles I have in life. Not only because I love the kisses and hugs, but because it is my God given roles. Whenever I'm homemaking, I look at it as service to the Lord. And I'm always proud to serve my Father.