Sunday, July 25, 2010

Let Me Encourage You, Stay At Home Mom...

I'm finding that time has become a very precious commodity in my life. I mean, it always has been, but I took it for granted everyday of my life.

I've found that, as a SAHM, what I considered to be me running out of time, was in all actuality, me being lazy.

So many days, so many things didn't get done just because I chose not to do them.

Now that I'm back in the work-world, so many things doesn't get done because I literally run out of time.

The greatest lesson I'm learning though is that things aren't falling apart because they're not getting done. No dust police have come into my home with their white gloves on and arrested me because their white gloved finger is now black.

We haven't went without a meal because of dirty dishes and we haven't pulled out the 'fine china' (aka, paper plates) to compensate.

It's made me look back and wonder just how much time as a SAHM did I waste? Not in laziness, because I've already established the fact that I was indeed lazy at times, but how much time did I waste enjoying my children and being a better wife for my husband because of the dust police?

Yes, I do find myself in quite the battle at times because when folks show up at my house they are probably going to walk across sand-gritty floors. Most likely there is going to be dishes in the sink and on the counter with bread or cookie crumbs scattered about. Guess what I'm learning? It's OK.

With my daughter getting married in four months, I'm learning that dust bunnies pale in comparison to laying across the bed and catching up with my teenager.

With my son struggling in his walk with God, I'm learning that reading the Word with him and allowing him to see me in the Word more and in prayer more, is far more important than shiny sinks and immaculate floors.

I don't label myself as a failure as a mom and wife....although satan would have me believe that, but I do see where my priorities aren't always what they should have been.

So my sweet SAHM friend, listen to a lady who has been there and is still in the process of learning mighty lessons......a clean house and a well taken care of family is much desired and worthy of praise, but nothing is more important the relationships you build with your family and with your Father.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Making a Return!!

I so miss my blogging. But I have to confess that I have had some time to blog, I've chosen not to. I've been struggling within myself, trying to decide if I've turned my back on everything I believe in. A revelation...I haven't.

I still firmly believe that the best place for a mom is at home with her children. I still believe that any financial sacrifice is worth the blessings of teaching and training your children. As I've said before on here, that doesn't mean if a mom has to work outside the home that she's a bad has a way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect it.

However, I've also come to realize that now that this season of my life is past, it's time to begin anew...fresh. My children still live at home. My daughter will soon be getting married and moving out, but our son, who is fresh out of highschool, will be here a while longer. We are learning to work family time around very different schedules and bask in the reality that dinner together one night a week is truly a God-send!!

Even though when I accepted the position that I'm on, I was very my husband and yes, even at God.....I realize now that my obedience to my husband's wishes has brought me the blessing of a wonderful job with a wonderful boss and some awesome co-workers. You see, by being submissive to my husband--even when I didn't want to be--brought God's blessings!! How wonderful!!!!

This position is enabling us to give more liberally to our church. It is enabling us to pay off debt. It is paying for our daughter's wedding without putting a crunch on our budget. How fantastic God in His wisdom is!!!

With that, I am going to try to begin posting about once a week--at least in the beginning. One Single Minute is going to be taking a bit of a different course than in days gone by. I'll still be focusing on being a Proverbs 31 woman...a submissive wife..but I will also be sharing what God brings my way in this new season of my life.

Let me encourage you...even when you don't agree with Him...even when you're angry with Him...He is faithful. Don't we serve a wonderful God??!!